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Most Recent Finished Jobs by Fire Alarm Houston

Job completed for PGI Factory Expansion

Completion date: November 25, 2023

Location: Houston, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

PGI Factory Expansion reached out to Fire Alarm Houston with a need for a comprehensive fire alarm system for their commercial building. The request indicated a desire for a solution that not only adheres to safety regulations but also meets the specific requirements of their establishment. The customer likely sought expertise in planning and implementing a fire alarm system that ensures the security and safety of the occupants and the premises.

Solutions provided:

In response to the customer's request, Fire Alarm Houston offered a suite of solutions that extended beyond the mere provision of fire alarm components. The services included planning and permitting to ensure the seamless integration of a customized fire alarm system. This encompassed not only the installation of specific devices but also adherence to safety regulations and standards. The goal was to provide a comprehensive solution that not only met the immediate needs expressed by the customer but also contributed to an enhanced overall safety infrastructure for Sincere Developers & Builders' commercial building. The approach involved a holistic understanding of the client's requirements, coupled with the technical expertise necessary to deliver a reliable and effective fire alarm system tailored to the unique characteristics of their establishment.

Team members on this project:

Gregry D Hazlett, Demarcus L Spencer

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