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Most Recent Finished Jobs by Fire Alarm Houston

Job completed for Cheese Cat SR Studio

Completion date: December 4, 2023

Location: Missouri City, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer contacted Fire Alarm Houston seeking solutions for installing a fire alarm system in their commercial space named Cheese Cat / SR Studio.

Solutions provided:

To address the customer's needs, Fire Alarm Houston provided a comprehensive set of solutions. This included assistance with the planning process and obtaining the necessary permits from the City. The installation process involved mounting Ceiling Mount Strobe Red and Ceiling Mount Horn Strobe 2w Red, as well as integrating an Addressable Dual Action Pull Station into the system.

Additionally, Fire Alarm Houston took care of the activation process, ensuring that all components were properly wired and configured for optimal functionality. The provision of 18/2C FPLP SOL RED 1M REEL suggests that the wiring used in the installation meets the required standards.

Overall, the solutions provided by Fire Alarm Houston encompassed planning, permitting, installation of specific fire alarm system components, activation, and proper wiring to ensure the safety and compliance of the commercial space named Cheese Cat / SR Studio.

Team members on this project:

Derrick Wilson, Rostan N Taylor

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